Decorative Knots, Artwork From Tying Knots

Decorative knots have been used as art throughout history.  It is something that goes back to the decks of ships during the age of sail. This art is more commonly referred to as Macrame, however the sailors that used it everyday called it Marlinspike Seamanship. This art form is actually a skill that was used by sailors to decorate everything from knife handles, bottles, even parts of ships. Sailors would then take the objects they covered with decorative knots and sell or barter them while they were in port.

Decorative knots have been used throughout history, some were used for decoration but most had a more practical purpose. These knots were used to wrap bottles to protect them from falls on the wooden decks of ships. They were used to wrap wood pieces to protect them from the elements. They were also used to make lanyards to keep tools from failing into the sea or worse falling down to the decks and hitting fellow sailors. From these practical knots came the decorative knots. As an example, the  monkey’s fist was used as a weight that was tied to a string then thrown over the side of the ship to the dock to the longshoremen so they could pull the very heavy mooring lines to the dock. Now today we see them used as key-chains. For some great examples of marlinspike seamanship visit

The art of tying decorative knots would have an ebb and flow with the public throughout time. The art of the sailors, marlinspike seamanship, would maintain its strength throughout history because of the Navy’s of the world. However the art of decorative knots, macrame, was almost lost in the wind. It wasn’t until the 1970s that macrame would regain it’s lost popularity. It was the free spirits of the hippie and grunge crowd that took these knots and began making items like wall hangings, bedspreads, small shorts, skirts, tablecloths, draperies, plant hangers and jewelry. The resurgence was short lived and would come to an end in the late 80’s early 90’s. While marlinspike seamanship maintained a steady pace with sailors, and boating enthusiasts. But as we look around the world in today’s society it seems as if the art of decorative knots is trying to make another push into the mainstream. As decorative knots push to the forefront again, it is beginning to take on the form of marlinspike seamanship and people are once again searching for items covered in intricate rope work to decorate their homes. Get your own handmade artwork at

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